
Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Male & Female Latin Dance Outfits for Sale

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Banned for 8 years: Steven and Rachelle Grinbergs plaas

Can no longer play an Australian national championship for the next 8 years. It 's the case of the pair jumped out of the race in Australia, of which infoDANZA had published an article in December.

The Australian samples Grinbergs Steven and Rachelle plaas had been banned by the World DanceSport Federation for having dancedin a competition unauthorized WDSF calendarGrinbergs plaas andhad danced at competitionsthe London BallSingapore Open, USAOpen and The Star BallThe news was released by the Secretary-General WDSF Shawn Tay last April 5effectively inhibitingthe couple's participation in all the races WDSFincluding theAustralian leagueuntil 2020.

Don McRobert, president of the federation of dance sport in Australia,said on the official website that "has no power to prevent the suspension from a competition of couples enrolled in the International Federation"